Devon Rex

The Devon Rex is a breed with a unique appearance. Its large eyes, short snout, protruding cheekbones and huge, low-set ears make it look like an Elf. They are medium build cats and are well covered in short, dense, wavy hair; the coat has a distinctive texture, as the mutation that causes it is not found in any other breed.

HEAD 40 points.

  • Shape – 10
  • Ears – 10
  • Eyes – 5
  • Muzzle and chin – 5
  • Profile – 5
  • Neck – 5

BODY – 25 points

  • Torso – 10
  • Tendons and Feet – 10
  • Tail – 5

WOOD / COLOUR 35 points

  • Texture – 25
  • Length – 5
  • Coloration – 5






Shape: Modified wedge, with protruding cheekbones. When viewed from the front, the wedge is outlined by three tapering distinct convex curves: outer edge of ears, cheekbones and mustache pads. The forehead line curves from the “stop” to the flat skull. The head is comparatively small in size.

Profile: Strongly marked “stop”.

Muzzle: Short, well developed, with strong ‘break’ and protruding mustache pads.

Chin: Strong, well developed.

Ears : Large, low set, tapering to the rounded tips, wide at the base. The ears are covered with fine hair. The ears can have ear brushes, hair at the base of the ears and tassels. Rare hair on the temples is not a disadvantage.

Eyes: Large, wide set. Oval in shape, with a slope to the outer edge of the ear. The color of the eyes corresponds to the color.

Neck: Slim, medium length.


Body: Slender, medium length, with a broad chest. On high limbs.

Limbs: Long, slender, but strong, with medium backbone, hind legs slightly longer than front.

Paws: Small and oval.

Tail: Long, not slender, tapering toward the tip, well covered with short hair.

Musculature: Firm and pronounced.


Texture: Fine, soft, dense and wavy (Tight, with well defined waviness, no visible locks, open topped curl is possible).

Length: Wool is short on back, sides, upper legs and tail. Very short on head, ears, neck, limbs, chest and belly. Kittens can have very short hair all over the body; even if it is not long enough to form a curl, it should cover the kitten evenly so that no bare spots are visible.

Density: The cat’s coat is well covered, with the greatest density on the back, sides, tail, limbs, muzzle and ears. Less coat density is allowed on the top of the head, neck, chest and belly. Bare areas are a flaw in kittens and a serious flaw in adults; however, the presence of down on the lower body should not be interpreted as bareness. Sparse hair on the temples (the area in front of the ears) is not a flaw.

Waviness: The effect of waviness should be noticeable when smoothing the coat with the hand. The waviness is most noticeable where the longest hair is – on the body and tail.


The Devon Rex is a breed with a unique appearance. Its large eyes, short snout, protruding cheekbones and huge, low-set ears create an Elf image. They are medium build cats and are well covered in short, dense, wavy hair; the coat has a distinctive texture because the mutation that causes it is not found in any other breed. Devons may have fluff on their lower body; this is not nakedness. In judging kittens, type is of paramount importance. Cats can be 25% larger than cats. This is not a disadvantage as long as the proportions are respected. Devon Rex is alert and active and takes a keen interest in his surroundings.

ADVANTAGES: Medallions.

DISQUIREMENTS: Narrow, long or house cat-like head. Ears small or set too high. Incorrect bite. Short, naked or fluffy tail. Straight or shaggy hair; bare patches.

NO AWARDS (WW): Extensive baldness.

DISQUALIFICATION (DQ): Weak hind legs. And other disqualifying signs of C&P.