
A sphynx appears to be a hairless cat, although this is not entirely true. The skin should have a suede texture. The thin, short undercoat is almost invisible to the eye as well as to the touch. On the ears, muzzle, tail, paws and scrotum, short, soft and fine hair is allowed. The absence of hair makes the cat quite warm to the touch. Whiskers and eyebrows may be present, intact or chipped, or may be completely absent. Cats do not have to be small and delicate. Males can be 25% larger than females, as long as they maintain correct proportions. The Sphynx is affectionate, lively, intelligent and well-trained.

HEAD – 40 points.

  • shape – 10
  • Eyes – 5
  • Ears – 10
  • Face and Chin – 5
  • Profile – 5
  • Neck – 5

BODY – 30 points

  • Body – 20
  • Limbs and feet – 5
  • Tail – 5

WOOD / COLOUR / DRAW – 30 points

  • Color – 5
  • Wool – 25




ADOPTED OUTCROSSES: American Shorthair Cat, Devon Rex.


Shape: medium size, modified wedge with rounded contours, length of head slightly longer than its width. Skull slightly rounded with rather flat forehead and prominent cheekbones and “pinch” with well expressed mustache pads.

Eyes: Large, rounded, lemon-shaped. Tilted to the outer edge of the base of the ear. The distance between the eyes is slightly more than the width of the eye.

Ears: Very large, wide at the base and open. Placed upright, their position should be neither too low, nor too high. The inside part of the ear is hairless. A small amount of hair is allowed on the outer side and at the outer edge of the ear.

Muzzle and chin: Round muzzle with distinct whisker pads and strong chin.

Profile: slight to medium ‘stop’ at the bridge of the nose.

Neck: Moderately long, rounded and muscular. Neck arches down from nape to shoulders, especially powerful in males.


Body: Medium in size, body length is medium to slightly elongated. The thorax is broad and deep, flowing smoothly into the torso. The abdomen is well rounded, giving the impression of a well-fed but not fat cat.

Limbs: Length in proportion to the body, medium skeleton and strong musculature. The hind legs are a little longer than the forelegs. Front paws are set wide. Females may be a little lighter in bone structure.

Feet: Medium in size, oval in shape, with long, slender toes. Pads of paws thicker than in other breeds and give the impression that the cat walks on “air cushions. The toes are very long, graceful and developed.

Tail: It is crisp/flexible, tapering to the tip (rat tail). Length in proportion to body. Lion’s tail (with a tuft of hair/tassel on the tail tip) is allowed.

Musculature: Firm and strong, well-developed, not graceful.

Backbone: Medium.


Length: Appearance of hairlessness. The body may be covered with short, fine down. A tuft of hair at the tip of the tail is acceptable. Whiskers are sparse and short.

Texture: Suede. Some cats may feel skin resistance when stroked. The skin of kittens is very wrinkled. Adults should keep as many wrinkles as possible, especially on the head, though wrinkles should not be so excessive as to affect the cat’s health.

General Description: The Sphynx appears to be a hairless cat, although this is not entirely true. The skin should have a suede texture. The thin, short undercoat is almost invisible to the eye as well as to the touch. On the ears, muzzle, tail, paws and scrotum, short, soft and fine hair is allowed. The absence of hair makes the cat quite warm to the touch. Whiskers and eyebrows may be present, intact or chipped, or may be completely absent. Cats do not have to be small and delicate. Males can be 25% larger than females, as long as they maintain correct proportions. The Sphynx is affectionate, lively, intelligent and well-trained.

Disadvantages: Small size. Body is long, thin and fragile. “Cobby” type or “foreign” build. Lack of wrinkles on the head. Straight profile, narrow head. Bad temper. Significant amount of hair above the ankles.


WITHOUT REWARD (WW): The presence of wavy hair or the suggestion that the cat is a bald Devon Rex.

DISQUALIFICATION (DQ): Any evidence of depilation, clipping, plucking, shaving, or other hair removal procedures. Aggressiveness and common disqualifying traits for all C&P breeds.